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Charity Program

Nonprofit Charities can now request free Penetration Testing and Application Security Services.

Are You A Nonprofit Charity?

Nonprofit Charities can now request free Penetration Testing and Application Security Services.

These services are provided to safely Penetrate their Network, Mobile and Web Applications to identify vulnerabilities. Rummaging deeper than a Vulnerability Assessment to discover the highest number of security vulnerabilities possible for better security results. Penetration testing mimics the actions of an outside intruder, providing important insight into areas where your technology or applications may be vulnerable.

FortiSecure will identify your weak spots that the attackers might use to get into your charity, posing the most significant risk to data integrity and perhaps resulting in a catastrophic data breach. Following that, a penetration testing report offers specific data to assist IT departments in proactively mitigating risk. By appropriately establishing security layers before an assault, we can have a safer internet, as we want!

Ready to Get Started?

Get in touch with one of our experts to discuss your organization's needs.